2. Raw or Undercooked Eggs
You might love a good runny egg, but anything that contains raw, undercooked, or even soft boiled eggs is best avoided during those precious 9 months. This includes foods that we all know and love, like homemade mayonnaise, Caesar dressings, mousse, aioli, tiramisu, etc.
This is because raw eggs could carry a harmful bacteria called salmonella that could cause diarrhea, headache, abdominal pain, severe vomiting, and high fevers. While salmonella won’t directly impact your baby, your body’s immune system is weakened and could, therefore, hinder baby’s development.
The best way around this problem is to buy pasteurized eggs, and cook your eggs until the yolk is firmly set. And if you are craving any of the above-mentioned foods, a commercially produced variety is unlikely to contain uncooked eggs (but always check to make sure).