5. Herbal Teas & Supplements

Herbs used in the production of seasonings, tea, and supplements could cause harm to mother and child. Herbs like ephedra, angelica, kava kava, Yohimbe, black and blue cohosh, dong quai, borage oil, pennyroyal, and mugwort are known uterine stimulants and are therefore best avoided completely during pregnancy.

Other herbs that have been linked to a risk of miscarriage include comfrey, black walnut, cascara sagrada, fenugreek, echinacea, goldenseal, horsetail, licorice root, saw palmetto, senna, motherwort, St.john, wort, shepherd, purse, wormwood, tansy, and uva ursi.

Aloe, ginseng, and evening primrose are also generally considered unsafe to ingest while pregnant. The effects and safety of drinking of green tea and wheatgrass juice have not been confirmed yet, so you should avoid them as well to be on the safer side. And if you consumer nettles, dandelion, or chamomile tea, limit their usage and make sure to consult your gynecologist about them as well.

But, all in all, it’s better to stick to a hot cup of chai or even some coffee (in limited quantities) as they have been deemed safe for pregnant women. If you are worried about losing out on any benefits present in herbal tea, simply ask your doctor for a health tonic or multivitamin prescription.
