2.Standing Forward Bend (Hastapadasana)

This helps to revitalize the nervous system. Since it boosts the blood supply to assist stimulate an exhausted nervous system that also calms your mind. This pose is done while your standing.

Follow the steps:

• Standing in a straight posture, keeping arms by your sides and feet together. Balance, your weight on both feet.
• Extend your arms over your head and take your breath in.
• Respire as you incline frontward and down to your feet, arms stretched. The hands must rest on the ground, next to your feet or on your legs. Bring your chest nearer to your knees and raise the hips as well as tailbone upper each time you breathe out. Your head must continue to be relaxed and move smoothly to your feet.
• This pose must be held on for a few seconds. Form up to 20–30 seconds over time. Inhale and exhale as you do so.
• Breathing in, stretch your arms forward and then up as you return to standing.
• Exhale, taking your arms down sideways.
