3. Head – Knee Forward Bend (Janu Sirsasana)
This helps to slow down the releasing of the pituitary gland or adrenaline hormones as we have to bend forward and hence calms excited nerves that cause migraines.
Follow the steps:
• On a seated position with your spine straight place your legs together and drawn out in front of you and hands to be placed casually on the mat close to your upper thighs.
• Keeping one knee extended and bend the other knee towards your chest. Allow the bent leg fall to your side. The foot of this leg should graze the innermost thigh of the straight leg.
• Keep your arms on your back and as you breathe out, use them to raise your spine higher. Make sure the shoulders do not rise up.
• keep the hands on the foot (or knees or ankle) of the straight leg.
• Breathe out by moving your pelvis upwards then the spine can move up as well. Your straight leg can bend in somewhat but avoid keeping it straight.
• Avoid bringing the head towards your knee since it will cause the back to bend. Place the length from your spine and gently take it forward.
• Hold your breath for a few seconds and try to build it for longer periods of time. Repeat the same procedure on the other side.