1. Myths about BP
BP doesn’t only affect a man, that’s one of the most common myths. Since most people have it, everyone seems to believe that it’s not a big deal. Well, that’s wrong. HBP (High blood pressure) can damage blood vessels, kidneys, heart, and all the most important organs in the body. The 5th leading cause of death in the US according to Web MD is high blood pressure. The other myth is that people tend to believe that if HBP runs in the gene pool that they would not be able to avoid it. Healthy and a balanced diet, regular exercise, proper weight management, and limited alcohol intake are ways to avoid high blood pressure. There are also some other misconceptions listed by the American Heart Association is that just because someone feels fine doesn’t necessarily mean they are. On the other hand, one may think avoiding the salt shaker would help with lowering the BP, well bad news NO. You will have to start reading labels to figure out the hidden salts in foods. Another pointer to note is that, if even one reading on the scale is normal doesn’t mean that the BP is normal. Both readings need to within a normal range.