3. Feel Energetic

A lot of people in this modern age find it hard to muster the energy to go through their busy days. More often than not, we tend to turn to caffeine to gives us this boost. This could be in the form of coffee, tea, energy drinks or supplements. The problem with these is that they can contain various other chemicals that aren’t good for you, not to mention sugar, which will cause you to crash hard. Furthermore, an excessive consumption of caffeine can cause difficulty sleeping, which will leave you dead-eyed in the morning, making you drink more coffee – until it eventually becomes a vicious cycle you cannot break.

One way to break the habit is by getting yourself into a healthy routine. This includes going to sleep and waking up on time, as well as regular exercise, but also a proper diet. Vitamins and minerals, like copper, are essential for keeping the body healthy and boosting metabolism, which is why its very important to eat more copper-rich foods every day.
