6 Side effects of consuming MSG during pregnancy

Pregnant women must be extra cautious while eating as it will affect your baby directly. Many doctors suggest homemade simple foods and to avoid junk and processed food items. This due to many chemicals and preservatives that have been added in order to make it more flavourful. One of the most widely used additives especially in Chinese cuisines is Monosodium glutamate also known as MSG. It comes in various different packings and can be purchased separately or already ingrained in certain food items.

Over the years, MSG also known as Ajinomoto has been a dispute for its consumption by pregnant women. However, as of today, there are no identified severe side effects in the mother or the fetus (baby) due to it. After years of testing, The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has commented on it as “generally recognized as safe.” Thus, any food item that contains Ajinomoto should be labeled with this tag.

It has also been identified that naturally available foods like tomatoes, parmesan cheese, grapefruit, cow milk, breast milk, and apples also contain free glutamate however it does not harm the body and is considered safe.
It has been advised that during the pregnancy period, Ajinomoto must be avoided if any of the following 6 side effects arises:
