8.Non Organic Food
Non organic products has unwashable pesticide residues on it.It can penetrates into the food. It’s probably like ingesting poisoning by yourself. once ingested our bodies can’t be able to process these dangerous chemicals out, these small residues can build up their level in our body throughout our life.
Recent studies have shown that there are link between pesticide and kidney diseases but not exactly known yet.but higher level of pesticide residue in the body can cause significant oxidaticve damage to the kidney. This can lead to chronic kidney diseases
These informations can confuse everyone. But the final idea of this article is to improve your kidney health with a good diet of foods. If you give moderate work to your kidneys unless give over load work they will thank you for it. By all means, have your morning coffee, enjoy an occasional steak, and don’t fret about indulging your love of cheese sometimes. Just eat organic as much as you can and ditch the sodas.