1. Tap Water

As the most widely available form of water supply, tap water can be found in most places. From the water that flushes your toilet to the kind that cleans your kitchenware, it’s all tap water!


– Many might not be comfortable at the thought of drinking tap water, but in most of the United States (and several other parts of the world), it is perfectly safe to drink.
– Furthermore, it is also way cheaper than buying bottled water.


– While industry regulations prohibit the leaking of lead and other harmful substances into tap water supplies, it’s not always followed to a T. An example of water contamination is the water crisis in Flint, Michigan.
– The Guardian also reported that research has found that many tap water supplies around the world contained particles of plastic.
– Other less-than-ideal substances like pesticide residue and aluminum may also be present in the tap water supply. But, a simple solution to all of this could be a home filtration system that’s affordable and easily available.
