Olivia de Havilland-Born in 1916

With a career that spanned several decades, including classic hits like Gone with the Wind, Captain Blood, and To Each His Own, Oliva de Havilland is a pretty popular face in old Hollywood. She’s been retired since 1988 but we don’t she’s going to be forgotten anytime soon!

As one of the oldest living Hollywood actors today, de Havilland, at the ripe old age of a 103 looks half her age – if that! It’s not hard to imagine that she would have been one of the most beautiful actresses to grace the screen, not just in her heyday, but of all time! According to Olivia, she maintains her ageless beauty by relaxing and living a stress-free life. She told Herald TV Weekly that “tension tends to steal good looks”. She also swears by the skincare brand Frownies, who’s products can cost up to $70.
