Oily Skin – 9 Tips And Remedies To Keep It Under Control.

Handling oily skin isn’t impossible, but definitely takes extra effort. Sebum, dirt, and makeup are the main factors affecting the skin. All you need is a fragrance and oil free face wash, facemask to control sebum and a good moisturizer to fight dryness. Some natural ingredients used as a mask will help too, like honey green tea and clay. Having to live with oily skin can be very tricky. Face wash may be futile and makeup will only alleviate skin problems. And applying powder all the time can be time consuming and exhausting. To make things worse, oily skin is the breeding ground for acne. Oily skin needs a lot of attention and management, and if you start using all the wrong ingredients it would only increase the grease on the face. The idea is to control the sebum and not to dry it out. Sebaceous glands make more oil if the skin starts to dry out. Below are 9 things you can do to control the sebum:
